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Funeral & Events

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The ultimate sacrifice of an EMS provider occurs in Line of Duty Death (LODD), As such we reserve several services for those who die in the line of duty. The national standards are listed below, generally followed by EMS, Fire, and Police Honor Guards in the United States.



The death of a Uniformed member must be the result of a traumatic injury suffered in the line of duty (on a run or on scheduled duty), a cardiac event within 48 hours of a duty shift, illness proven to be attributed to the job by workers compensation (cardiac, stroke, mental illness or suicide/PTSD).

American Flag, Badge shroud, Bell Service or Last Page, Bag Piper and/or Taps bugle, Casket Guard, Uniformed members section, and Color Guard corridor of Honor of ALL uniformed personnel. Procession of emergency vehicles, Pallbearers, Color Guard at the cemetery, graveside flag presentation, twenty-one gun salute for Military Veterans only. We also forward the personnel to the National EMS Memorial and represent the fallen member at the National Ceremony.

Active Duty: 


A full-time or volunteer uniformed or non-uniformed member of an emergency medical service agency serving in an active capacity, Non-job-related death: Deaths, natural and traumatic, that are not directly related to an emergency medical service call.


EMS Flag, Badge shroud, Bell Service and/or Last Page, Casket Guard, Uniformed members section, and Honor & Color Guard corridor of Honor of ALL uniformed personnel. 

Retired or former EMS Personnel: 


A retired or former member of an emergency medical service agency that passes for any reason.

Badge shroud, Uniformed members section and Honor & Color Guard corridor of Honor of ALL uniformed personnel. A representative of the Honor Guard as appropriate to lead the corridor of Honor. All other honors would be conducted by the Military if appropriate. 

Presentation of Colors, Parades, Conferences, Graduations, and more:


The WI EMS Honor guard is available to represent EMS providers in many venues. Presentation of Colors (Flags) at conferences, Graduations, special Awards ceremonies, some parades in need of the color front, etc. We divide the State into Districts so events are assigned to local units, with support from the statewide guard as necessary.

As we are volunteers, we ask several weeks to a month lead time to organize, and a host organization allowing us to change rooms, water, snacks, etc as necessary (depending on the nature of the event). Please contact us and we'll make arrangements from there. Thank you!

© 2020 Wisconsin EMS Honor Guard Association, Inc, All rights reserved. Website content, Honor Guard Logo, WI Honor Guard Uniform, are Copyrighted ©

WI EMS HONOR GUARD Association is a 501(c)(3) organization of volunteers from across the state.

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