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Join the WI EMS Honor Guard

With EMS services located all over our state, we have a large area to cover. We divided the state into Districts to allow members opportunities to practice and perform closer to home. When a LODD occurs we bring all districts together, thus we drill and dress alike through the association.

We are looking for members at all levels of interest to participate in the WI EMS Honor Guard. We need EMS personnel to perform as 

  • Color Guard (flags) and Honor Guard (Rifle barrier) members

  • Bagpiper(s)  and Percussionist 

  • District Directors and District Training Officers

  • Chaplains (District and State Level) (does not need to have EMS license, but helpful)

  • Other volunteers include lawyers, accountants, and other specialized talents needed to maintain a large 501(c)3.


No matter your previous experience via the military, high school/college marching bands, flag squads, or none at all, we are looking for talented persons to join. We are a non-profit, it is a volunteer organization with high standards. EMS providers at all levels are welcome to apply, even if retired!

Individuals and units already formed, please contact us. Being under our umbrella offers uniformity of services to the fallen, National recognition, tax-exempt status, and more members to support the entire state so that all fallen providers may have dignified final honors. Hope to hear from you soon!

  Download and complete the application. Mail or email us, or complete the online below.
Volunteer with Us

Terms and conditions

Due to the large financial and time investment made into each member, certain levels are obtained through your participation in the Honor Guard. 

Probationary: New members shall attend 3 drills, and pass the skills test before being allowed to perform in a class A uniform. The Executive Board may realize previous military or HG experience and grant new members advanced standing. In either case, a member must perform the skills checklist successfully prior to being allowed full performance in a class A uniform.

  1. New Members: shall attend 3 drills, and pass the skills test before being allowed to perform in a class A uniform. The Executive Board may realize previous military or HG experience and grant new members advanced standing. In either case, a member must perform the skills checklist successfully prior to being allowed full performance in a class A uniform. They shall neither have a voice nor a vote in WI EMS HG affairs and may be promoted or dismissed upon review of the Executive Board.

  2. Full Member: These are personnel who have completed their Probationary duties and have been approved by the Executive Board. Full Members shall be issued a full WI EMS HG uniform and all of the accessories associated with it.  All Full Members shall maintain a 50% attendance of ALL drills held. Full Members shall only be considered for attending conferences, National Memorial, and any other functions if they maintain their training as per the training policy.



You must have had an EMS license, or retired (except Chaplain). You may not have had a felony background. 


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